I remember the first time a writer visited my primary school. Her name was Jill and she was a poet and a songwriter. She had written our school song that we sang at every ‘show’ assembly so when she came in person and sang it herself it blew my mind. “Wow, a real life writer” I remember thinking.
Fast forward 30 years and I’m doing that very same thing for local primary schools around South West London! In June, during one week before schools broke up for summer I visited 4 school groups (one virtually) which equated to over 100 children in 3 days! It was such an amazing experience to be able to read the book that I wrote to so many children, and I left each session beaming from ear to ear. I especially loved the questions that these bright young minds came up with, and the fact that by the end, when I pick up my ukulele and do a reprise of the “My Brother is a Vampire” song, all the kids join in!

So, now that my own kids are back at school and the new term has started, I’d like to get back out there and share with more schools. I’m looking for 8 local schools or nurseries in South West London to claim a FREE AUTHOR VISIT for their Early Years or Year 1 classes. The session can be 20 or 30 minutes long, and includes a song, some background about how I created the story, the book reading and a free copy of My Brother is a Vampire for your school.
If you are interested, please email me on books@sequoia.london
If you’re not based in South West London but would like a virtual visit, please get in touch too. The session can be tailored for virtual visits and is just as interactive. My fee is a minimum order of 6 books.
Slots are limited to September and October visits only and will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis.
If you’d like a signed copy of my book “My Brother is a Vampire” click here!